Our Chapter
The Chartering Members of the Pasadena-Altadena Chapter
Chartered on February 9, 1963
Since 1963, The Pasadena-Altadena Chapter of The Links, Incorporated is a group of resourceful, professionally accomplished, and dedicated women who are active in the Pasadena and Altadena communities. Our members are role models, mentors, activists, and volunteers who work toward enriching communities and improving the quality of life for people of African descent through friendship and service.

Active Members
Alexis Abernethy, Dana Albright, Beverly Allen, Gretta Bennett, Charlotte Bland, Jocelyn Bradley, Pamela Finney Cosse, Carlyn Couch, Stacie Gravely Curry, Jan DeAndrade, Mildred W. Dockery, Earlie Douglas, Hilarie Dyson-Green, Joann Forte-Wormely, Tanya C. Harris, Dorothy Jean Hays, Giovanna Hughes, Victoria E Johnson, Melissa Lee, Ericia Leufroy, Charmayne Mills-Ealy, Cheryl Moody, Hurlan Mounday, Asha Muldro, Cheryl Myers, Tara Newman, Yolanda Oliver, Janet Pope-Givens, Tarsha Proctor-Standridge, Shaun Rowan-Popoff, H. Diane Scott, Karen Guinn St-Cyr, Gail V. Taylor, Timshel Talbert, Debra Ward-Samad, Lola Warlick-Bryant, Cheri Washington, Pamela Weatherspoon, Dana Webster, Lesli White.
Lucille Bartlett, Barbara Coleman, Mary H. Crew, Alice Faye Davidson, Reta Floyd Duncan, Cleola Gavalas, Yvonne Hill, Nell Hollomand, Marjoriedell Hopkins, Katherine Huante, Chrystal Todd Johnson, Hazel Moore Livingston, Dorothy Martin, Kathryn Teer McKnight, Carol, ”Cookie”Myers, Eddie Newman, Shirley Singleton, Joyce Sniffen, Ashana J. Thorman, Arzella Valentine, Barbara Washington, Barbara Webster, Sylvia Wiggins
In Memorium
Mercedes Hervey, Betty Saddler, Floraline Stevens, Joan Williams, Gwendolyn S. Bishop, Ph.D.,
Dorothy Gipson Martin, Barbara Bigby, Mary Latimore